Friday, August 21, 2009

Smart Software – Microsoft SQL Server Express (Backup)

Smart Software can use few types of backup tools for backup the database. Previously, we had show the steps using DbaMGR2K to backup. 

Therefore for this session, we will shows how to backup using another tools which is Microsoft SQL Server Express. Below is the steps:

1) Click Microsoft SQL Server 2005 –> SQL Server Management  
     Studio Express.
2) On Authentication area  select Windows Authentication.
      Click Connect –> Double click the Database folder.
3) Click at the Database required for backup –> Right Click –> 
     Tasks –> Backup.
4) At Destination Disk –> Click Add –> File Name –> Click ..
     choose the backup location and name the backup file.
     Remember after the file name put the .bak –> Click OK
5) Click OK –> Click OK.
      The backup process will start, after finish Click OK. Then come 
      out from the screen. (The backup database is done.) User can
      keep extra copy to their pen-drive or external hard disk.

For more enquiry please contact us 03-91722228 or visit our website at

Friday, August 14, 2009

Smart Software – DbaMGR2K (Backup)

The knowledge of backup database for each software are different. Backup is import in the situation of recovery due to changes of information, database corrupt and others.

For this session, we will show how to backup using DbaMGR2K tools. Below is the steps:

1) Double click DbaMGR2K icon
2) Double click the SQL Server
3) At the server properties, tick the Trusted NT connection
4) Click Connect
5) Choose your database, right click –> Backup Database
6) At Destination Disk –> Click Add –> File Name –> Click ..
     choose the backup location and name the backup file.
     Remember after the file name put the .bak –> Click Save
7) Click OK –> Click OK.
      The backup process will start, after finish Click OK. Then come 
      out from the screen. (The backup database is done.) User can
      keep extra copy to their pen-drive or external hard disk.

For more enquiry please contact us 03-91722228 or visit our website at

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Smart Touch & POS - Update

A new release of Smart Touch & POS had add some of the new features for retail or Food and Beverage (F&B).

For this release, time attendance function is one of the build in add-on. It able to capture the employee attendance without need to purchase additional software to control their attendance records.     

Second add-on will be the combo function. It able to group few products in to a set and sell with a cheaper price compare to sell it separately. 

Finally for F & B, waiting list had been improve towards the alert system on the process time.

For more enquiry please contact us 03-91722228 or visit our website at